
Food and Empire–an update

Written by beyondwords : November 14, 2007

Do you ever wonder where God is working? Where is the intersection of his will being done on earth as it is in heaven?

I believe the Spirit is at work in humble places we sometimes overlook. For example, there is healing ministry where food is involved.

I picked up my first order of locally-grown food from Farm to Folk nearly a week ago. The farmers and distributors meet in the kitchen of an old, mainline church in the center of my town. These are humble, hard-working people who don’t wear Jesus on their sleeves.

They are trying to make a living from the land, exercising stewardship of mind, body and spirit. They’re distributing peace and healing and sustenance.

But the best news is this: I learned a food pantry housed at another old, mainline church buys shares from Farm to Folk. Every Tuesday, when the shares are delivered, there’s a long line of people at the food pantry.

People are willing to stand in line for fresh, healthy food.

Justice in on the move in the name of Jesus in my little corner of the world. Now, I’m going to prayerfully use my influence as a journalist, as a board member and volunter for two relief agencies, and as a member of a local congregation to inform people of the opportunity to expand the healing ministry of healthy food.

To shamelessly paraphrase, the gates of empire will not prevail against the steady, humble advancement, through the work of the church, of the Kingdom of the Beloved Son.

Beyondwords has far too much energy and imagination to admit she's a middle-aged woman living in the Midwest. A freelance writer and journalist, she hasn't figured out the writing life requires solitude, so her home is always full of children, teenagers, foreign exchange students, and people seeking short-term shelter. She's currently undergoing a subversion by the Holy Spirit. It's leading her out of empire, forcing her to dig in and unearth the gospel in hearth and home, community and relationships.

for further reading . . .


One Response to “Food and Empire–an update”

  1. Jason Barr on November 16th, 2007 4:50 pm

    It seems a bit odd to imagine a humble local farm as a manifestation of God’s people reclaiming the creation for its Creator in the face of the seeming dominance of factory farming and industrial food production. Seems like a mustard seed kind of moment to me… thanks for this.

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